Friday, March 1, 2019

Recent KS acquisitions

I've been steadily accumulating figures that I've funded through Kickstarter. I don't have all of them in hand, much less assembled and painted but I figure I'll list some here for reference:

Halfling Skeleton Cavalry by John McMannis
Sculptor: Bob Olley

John strikes again, adding yet another set of Halfling undead to the market. This time they are Halfling skeletons mounted on skeletal war pigs! I backed at the Calvary Horde level, so I shall be getting one ten figure set of cavalry with hand weapons and one set of cavalry with bows.

Halfling Skeleton Army Halberds and War Machine Crew by John McMannis
Sculptor: Bob Olley

The latest in John's series of Halfling skeleton Kickstarters, this got me one 12 man unit of halberdiers and ten individual crew for war machines (tailored for one catapult, one ballista and one cannon).

So with John's previous Kickstarters, I've got four units of undead Halfling melee troops (one hand weapon, one spear, one halberd and one assorted from other companies), one unit of missile troops, two units of cavalry (one melee weapons, one bows), three war machines and a variety of characters. Quite a nice little force of undead Halflings! And add to that...

Wow. Skeleton gnomes. Will they be useful in combat? Who knows? But I'll throw them in there with the Halflings.

Now these will be a nice addition to my growing undead Dwarf and Orc/Goblin armies. This KS funded a whole set of game rules and new line of miniatures. Don't need the game, but I backed this at the "Undead Horde" level, giving me 15 separate units of undead Dwarves or Goblins. In addition, I purchased a number of add ons.

Sculptor: Bob Olley

John took a day off from imagining skeletal Halflings in order to have these produced. More troops for my undead Orc/Goblin army!

War Scythes!

Seems legit