A post detailing all my dragons or dragon-kind.
During the time I've been collecting miniatures, I've picked up quite a few skeletal or undead dragons (large creatures being an exception to my "nothing but bone" rule). One thing is for certain, sculptors love undead dragons. I keep having to add to my collection. At this point I have what would essentially be one army of simply dragons or dragon types. I loan them out as assets to my other armies, but I'd like to fight a battle once with nothing but my Draconis Legion.
During the time I've been collecting miniatures, I've picked up quite a few skeletal or undead dragons (large creatures being an exception to my "nothing but bone" rule). One thing is for certain, sculptors love undead dragons. I keep having to add to my collection. At this point I have what would essentially be one army of simply dragons or dragon types. I loan them out as assets to my other armies, but I'd like to fight a battle once with nothing but my Draconis Legion.
Black Tree Design FA77934 Zombie Dragon. meh.
Eastern Front Studios DVR-20 Gargantuan Skeleton Dracolich. A very nice model depicting the dragon as a true quadruped, which is rare compared to the biped models. They were supposed to put out a zombie version of this but I haven't seen it.
Fenryll Mummy Dragon for my New Kingdom Egyptians
Fenryll Skeletal Dragon. Very large resin model.
Fenryll Zombie Dragon. Small but nice sculpt.
McFarlane Models Dragon Series Six Dracolich. Pre painted plastic, but huge and imposing. Paint job is not terrible. I like the use of fire.
Gale Force 9's new Dracolich.
The old and venerable Grenadier 5502 Masterpiece Edition Death Dragon. My first super-beast.
Grenadier Dragon Lords 2516 Chaos Dragon
The one, the original Grenadier 9904 Skeletal Dragon by Julie Guthrie

A rare Grenadier zombie dragon from circa 1984.

A rare Grenadier zombie dragon from circa 1984.
GW Terrorgheist
GW Zombie Dragon. Yes I bought two of the same boxed set so I could make both variations. I'm the sucker GW has in mind...
GW 991 10207101 Zacharias the Everliving on a Zombie Dragon. Fantastic sculpt. I worked the ECKTM (easiest conversion known to man) on Zacharias and popped off his head to be replaced by a skull, turning him into a real Liche.
GW CIT-524 Zombie Dragon with Rider by Trish Morrison.
Grendel F0065 Zombie Dragon. Actually a very nice resin piece. Seeing the detail and easy construction sold me on resin as a medium.
Troll Forged Nightmare w/Necromage by Adam Grabowski. Made in some sort of vinyl/plastic, it's actually well detailed and an excellent model. I performed the ECKTM on the liche.
Mythic Articulations Asian Dragon. One of my faves. Not a miniature company per se, but custom prints anatomically correct mythical creature skeletons. For larger beasts it's just the right size for 32mm. This baby supports my undead medieval samurai brigade
Mythic Articulations Dragon. Another from MA. Very nice sculpt that is one of the rare true quadruped depictions.
Pathfinder Skulls & Shackles Gargantuan Skeleton Dragon. Sculpt is ok. Not really anatomically correct.
RAFM Necro-Drake Mighty Dragon Lich. Superb boxed set.
Ral Partha 10-375 Graveyard Dragon. Pretty large, but I never liked the sculpt.
Tom Meier's original Ral Partha 01-140 Undead Dragon. The memories...
The huge limited edition Ral Partha 01-505 Dracolich by Jeff Wilhelm.
A very small and rather unimpressive Ral Partha 11-582 Council of the Wyrm Dracolich
Reaper 2705 Skeletal Dragon by Bob Olley.
Reaper 3593 Akar Nakhal Pharoh Dragon by Kevin Williams.
Reaper 3644 Skeletal Dragon by Kevin Williams. Not impressive. Almost a skeletal wyrmling.
Reaper 10012 original Kaladrax sculpt by Jim Johnson. Tearing up the late 90's with this massive model.
The new Reaper 77190 Nethermaul the Undying by Julie Guthrie
The new Reaper 77192 Kaladrax sculpt.
Wizards of the Coast Attack Wing Red Dracolich. Meh. Like the flight pose.
Wizards of the Coast Lords of Madness 17 Fettered Dracolich. Pre-painted plastic. Meh.
Wizards of the Coast Death Knell 60 Zombie White Dragon. Despite being a pre-painted plastic and very small, it's actually a good sculpt. Would do well with a repaint.
Wizards of the Coast War of the Dragon Queen 31 Dracolich. Also another good sculpt, despite being a pre-painted plastic.
Zombie Dragon from Creature Caster
Finally! Vermis the Wyrm from Fenris Games has been funded through the Rise of the Draugr Kickstarter!
Zombie Dragon from the Battlelore Heralds of Dreadfall expansion
TMS' new Zombie Dragon now on Kickstarter!
Ral Partha 49-091 Skeletal Hydra. A contribution from their recent Chaos Wars Kickstarter. You can thank me for this model. Yes, me. Personally. I backed the Kickstarter early and RP had as a stretch goal that if they got to $100K they would produce a skeletal dragon. I posted in the messages that if funding reached the stretch goal, that skeletal dragons were a dime a dozen. But if RP truly wanted to do something no previous company had done, they might consider making a skeletal hydra. Discussion ensued on the message board. In a few days, a "mystery stretch goal" popped up at $50,000 which was revealed to be - this skeletal hydra.
You're welcome.
Mythic Articulations Cockatrice. Gaze of Stone motherfucker!
Mythic Articulations Wyvern.
TMS' new Shrieking Horror (aka Wyvern) now on Kickstarter!
TMS' new Court of the Damned. It's a GW Coven Throne analog for the 9th Age wargame, but it's mounted on a skeletal wyvern!
The classic Grenadier Fantasy Lords 167 skeletal flyer. A bowman on a small wyvern.
The 1995 update. Grenadier Fantasy Warriors 51035 Undead Flyer.
Titan-Forge Drakskull's Menace Undead Wyvern. With a zombie orc rider. Sweet!
Blood Keep Miniatures fantastic new Varakai model. Maybe not a dragon per se, more bat-like but definitely undead.
Mythic Articulations Skeleton Kirin
Not Yet Procured
The upcoming Wizards of the Coast Icons of the Realms White Dracolich
Dark Art Studios Gothrac, Zombie Dragon
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