One of the problems with my job is that I am usually off in some far lung part of the world without access to my miniatures. Most of the time they languish in one of my storage spaces or at my dad's house where I send most of the stuff that I buy.
I can't get mail in Afghanistan. Man I miss the APO!
But one of the benefits of being, how shall we say, "between jobs" for the past half year or so is the time it has given me to work on some of my armies.
This work has involved cataloging my extensive collection with the iOS app Sortly. It's a godsend, because I have no good list or database of everything I have, and I just can't remember whether or not I still need that old Lost Tribes figure from Citadel or not.
But also I've been whipping some of my armies into shape, assembling, converting and painting them as I can.
My undead Classical Greek army that I detailed in a previous post was the closest to completion, so I've been concentrating on that. It's almost ready for the tabletop. I just need to purchase those Bronze Age skeletal hoplites to finish my phalanx. The rest is pretty much just detailing.
Here's some of the work so far. Comments appreciated, especially with photography because I got the lighting all wrong despite having a light box and two lights.
All units are based for Piquet: Scramasax. Normally four stands of three figures per stand for infantry, four stands of two figures per stand for cavalry. Exceptions are for heavy infantry, skirmishers, x-heavy cavalry, etc. Large creatures and characters are individually based. I tend to use round bases for characters, square for creatures - but it's not a hard and fast rule.
Main hoplite phalanx
Five units of heavily armored hoplites armed with hoplon and dory/xiphos. I've yet to purchase the Bronze Age skeletal hoplites to complete the sixth unit.
76th, 77th, 78th & 79th Infantry (Hoplites)
Manufacturer: Eureaka Miniatures
Line: Skeletons
Part #: 100SKL02
The bulk of my phalanx is made up of miniatures from this Australian company. The sculpts are only so-so, and the assembly process can only be described as fiddly, as there are lots of different parts. However, that variance is also a strength because you can assemble the models in a variety of different configurations, making for a very heterogeneous phalanx. The 76th is my oldest unit, as evidenced by their differing paint job. The 78th was primed with black and then the bone parts were painted on directly or dry brushed. I also used a copper paint, when I should have used a darker bronze. The 77th, 78th and 79th I purchased back in 2013. I primed them using Skeleton Bone spray primer from Army Painter. I tend to use this also as the base coat to save time when painting bone. I'll then do some highlighting with a lighter bone color. The armor was painted with Citadel Warplock Bronze. I then used the Army Painter strong tone Quickshade dip to finish the bone parts and make the metal look old and weathered.

I can't get mail in Afghanistan. Man I miss the APO!
But one of the benefits of being, how shall we say, "between jobs" for the past half year or so is the time it has given me to work on some of my armies.
This work has involved cataloging my extensive collection with the iOS app Sortly. It's a godsend, because I have no good list or database of everything I have, and I just can't remember whether or not I still need that old Lost Tribes figure from Citadel or not.
But also I've been whipping some of my armies into shape, assembling, converting and painting them as I can.
My undead Classical Greek army that I detailed in a previous post was the closest to completion, so I've been concentrating on that. It's almost ready for the tabletop. I just need to purchase those Bronze Age skeletal hoplites to finish my phalanx. The rest is pretty much just detailing.
Here's some of the work so far. Comments appreciated, especially with photography because I got the lighting all wrong despite having a light box and two lights.
All units are based for Piquet: Scramasax. Normally four stands of three figures per stand for infantry, four stands of two figures per stand for cavalry. Exceptions are for heavy infantry, skirmishers, x-heavy cavalry, etc. Large creatures and characters are individually based. I tend to use round bases for characters, square for creatures - but it's not a hard and fast rule.
Main hoplite phalanx
Five units of heavily armored hoplites armed with hoplon and dory/xiphos. I've yet to purchase the Bronze Age skeletal hoplites to complete the sixth unit.
76th, 77th, 78th & 79th Infantry (Hoplites)
Manufacturer: Eureaka Miniatures
Line: Skeletons
Part #: 100SKL02
The bulk of my phalanx is made up of miniatures from this Australian company. The sculpts are only so-so, and the assembly process can only be described as fiddly, as there are lots of different parts. However, that variance is also a strength because you can assemble the models in a variety of different configurations, making for a very heterogeneous phalanx. The 76th is my oldest unit, as evidenced by their differing paint job. The 78th was primed with black and then the bone parts were painted on directly or dry brushed. I also used a copper paint, when I should have used a darker bronze. The 77th, 78th and 79th I purchased back in 2013. I primed them using Skeleton Bone spray primer from Army Painter. I tend to use this also as the base coat to save time when painting bone. I'll then do some highlighting with a lighter bone color. The armor was painted with Citadel Warplock Bronze. I then used the Army Painter strong tone Quickshade dip to finish the bone parts and make the metal look old and weathered.

80th Infantry (Hoplites)
- Greek Mythology
- Myths & Legends
Part #s:
- WG421 Children of the Hydra
- WG422 Children of the Hydra
- ### Skeleton Warriors
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