I've been doing a little assembly work on my Undead Chaos Army, which includes, as noted before, two bands of minor demons.
These three demons are conversions, which I don't normally like to use. I like to play figures "as is" (otherwise there'd be no end to the converting). However, I was inspired by these conversions for the 9th Age project which I thought looked really cool and would help me fill out that second band.
These are simple head swaps for Mantic's heavily armored Elohi models. The original pics show Elohi bodies with armored skulls from GW's Grave Guard set. I actually did obtain some of these skulls, but upon further reflection, I thought that these would be an ideal use for my Burning Skulls from puppetswar.eu.
I originally bought those flaming skulls to use with my conversion of my GW mounted Chaos Knights, but the skulls were far, far too small to use with the more robust GW models. However, they fit right in with the Mantic figures and give a really cool infernal feel to these undead demons.
The Mantic Elohi are larger models, somewhat ogre-sized, but not enough to put them in the range of "Greater Demons".
Pictured below are the various parts primed in black (excepting the skulls primed with pure white.
These three demons are conversions, which I don't normally like to use. I like to play figures "as is" (otherwise there'd be no end to the converting). However, I was inspired by these conversions for the 9th Age project which I thought looked really cool and would help me fill out that second band.
These are simple head swaps for Mantic's heavily armored Elohi models. The original pics show Elohi bodies with armored skulls from GW's Grave Guard set. I actually did obtain some of these skulls, but upon further reflection, I thought that these would be an ideal use for my Burning Skulls from puppetswar.eu.
I originally bought those flaming skulls to use with my conversion of my GW mounted Chaos Knights, but the skulls were far, far too small to use with the more robust GW models. However, they fit right in with the Mantic figures and give a really cool infernal feel to these undead demons.
The Mantic Elohi are larger models, somewhat ogre-sized, but not enough to put them in the range of "Greater Demons".
Pictured below are the various parts primed in black (excepting the skulls primed with pure white.
Assembled (sans skulls) and awaiting zenithal highlighting
Assembled and zenithal highlighted.
First pass at the flame effects. I'm going to have to go in and directly apply some more yellow in the recesses and frost the tips with charred black.