Friday, April 26, 2013

Death Knight
Company: Dark Sword Miniatures
Part #: DSM7527
Sculptor: Dave Summers
Released: April 2013

Dark Sword Miniatures is one of these boutique miniature outfits that produces a limited amount of figures.  However, they seem to have licensed the works of many famous D&D illustrators like Larry Elmore and bring figures from their paintings to life. They also have a license to produce works from George R.R. Martin - so anyone who want that Tyrion Lannister mini, look here.

DSM does have a few undead, which I still have to pick up including this awesome spectre. But I saw this figure yesterday on Tabletop Gaming News and figured I had to have it.

Basically, a skeletal demon (the wings give it away). I'll be adding it to my Undead Chaos force, in which I have a number of undead demons already in force from a variety of manufacturers.  The question for me is how to handle them in the Piquet context.  I have a good number of these types of skeletal demons/fallen angels, enough to make a unit.  I could never field them all individually.  So I'm thinking of collecting them into a unit of a dozen "lesser demons".  Give them "flight" and "Cause Terror" and send them off to the races.  Although I think a band of demons should somehow be able to use magic as well.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Titan-Forge - Zomblins

Company: Titan-Forge
Part #:
Sculptor: Slawek
Released: 2012

If there is one thing I wish we'd see more of, it's miniature companies making more demi-humans. I have thousands upon thousands of skeletal humans, but only a handful of skeeton orcs, goblins, dwarves, skaven, lizardmen or elves.  Especially elves! Jesus, can't we get some more undead elves other than the standard bearer from the Cursed Company and that one in the Otherworld Demi-Human pack???

Well here to fill the void is Polish company Titan-Forge, who ran a startlingly successful indiegogo campaign last year to fund their Drakskull's Menace line. When you look at the miniatures from Titan-Forge and Scibor, there is some seriously outstanding work coming out of Poland these days.

Now normally I don't do zombies (Nothing but bone! NOTHING BUT BONE!!!) but in this case, I'm making an exception. Not only do these miniatures fill a glaring gap in my Legion (undead goblins) but they are darn cool looking as well.  Not to mention fun to paint. So now I have a solid unit of undead gobbos to compliment my hodgepodge undead orc units. I'm taking the fight to my orcish rival! Beware Ork-boy!
Well it's been quite a while since I posted here.  Almost 2 years.  Here's the deal.  I've been in Afghanistan for a year, then I came back to N. America - but not to my home but rather my fiance's place in Toronto. And now I'm back in Afghanistan.  In no place have I been near my miniatures!

Well, for now, I'm going to just start logging my purchases, with explanations of what I plan to do with them once I get someplace where I can unpack all my stuff!