Tuesday, September 2, 2014


Morghast Archai & Morghast Harbingers
Company: Games Workshop
Part #:
Released: 2014

Images leaking of some sweet, new (incredibly expensive) models from GW's new "End Times" expansion...

GW calls them "Morghasts" - heralds of the dread Nagash.

I, however, call them GIANT FUCKING DEMONS! Finally, I have some major skeletal demons to field in my undead army of chaos.

Giant Fucking Demons

It may sound odd, but there has been dearth of suitably large scale undead demon models. I have a variety of what I would call "lesser demons" - "angels of death" and such like these:

Yeah bitches!

I have a whole bunch of these, enough probably to make two units worth. But while most of them are suitably kick-ass (especially those Rackham figs), they're all normal sized. I've always been envious of those impressive looking giant demon sculpts. They look devastatingly frightening in those chaos hordes and I've always wanted one or two for mine. But unfortunately, like the long desired skeletal hydra, no company has ever really made any such models.

Now... an embarrassment of riches! The Morghast boxed set allows you to make 2 figures each of either the Archai (the ones with the halberds) or the Harbingers (dual swords, less armor). Combined with the undead demon just recently achieved as a stretch goal on Mantic Games' new kickstarter, I have up to five major demons to field alongside my lesser demons, skeletal chaos warriors and skeletal beastmen in my undead chaos horde!

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