Thursday, August 6, 2015


These guys don't live under a bridge! They are lean, mean and dangerous to know. Seriously. I use trolls to tie down super-strong creatures like Ents. They are extremely powerful and can regenerate. In Piquet terms, this gives them the Extraordinary ability of "Invincible" which means you need 5 hits to effect a stand loss instead of 3. Add to that the natural toughness ability of undead and that means you need to to beat the roll by 6! You roll up against one of these guys and you are not going anywhere.

The biggest thing I remember about watching the Hobbit is walking out of the film muttering to my wife, "Trolls are NOT to be played for comedy!" Verily, they will fuck up your day.

 RAFM RAF03726 Skeletal Troll. A venerable favorite.

 Fenryll FM092 Zombie Troll. Rather small, and I find the sculpt to be too "cartoony".

 Mirliton UD058F Undead Troll. Recast of an old Grenadier sculpt. Just grand.

 Ilyad Retours Des Dieux BLMV09 Grotesque. Perhaps my favorite troll model. Lovely detailed sculpt from the sadly now defunct french company. Fortunately I have their entire undead line, all of which are marvelous. Made from resin and a good example of how good resin can be.

RAFM RAF03719 Plague Troll. 

RAFM RAF03724 Undead Troll. Another of RAFM's awesome troll scuplts. 

Reaper 2680 Undead Troll. Reaper's foray into undead trolls. It's a nice sculpt. 

Chainmail Ahmut's Legion Bsttered Skeletal Troll. Meh. Very small. More like a hobgoblin than anything else.

Titan-Forge Drakskull's Menace Undead Trolls. Two sweet zombie trolls from Titan-Forge to fight with their undead greenskin horde. 

Mantic Dungeon Saga Hoggar, Zombie Troll Shaman. From Mantic's upcoming Dungeon Saga game. Finally, an undead troll magic user!

Mantic Dungeon Saga Zombie Troll. An undead troll from the upcoming Dungeon Saga game.

Mantic Zombie Troll Regiment from their Kings of War line.

Mage Knight Sinister #68 Troll Zombie. Meh. Small, pre-painted plastic.

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