Monday, March 19, 2018

Recent Haul - Kentauroi

Malifaux Kentauroi
Wyrd Games

Continuing the survey of my recent haul we have these "Kentauroi" from Wyrd Miniatures for their game Malifaux.

In terms of the Malifaux lore, these are technically constructs, as they have been created by the Resurrectionist Guild from the corpses of both humans and horses, instead of being a reanimated true centaur.

But, I don't play Malifaux so - they can go suck it! These guys will take their place in my undead Classical Greek army as part of my growing undead centaur herd. I remember back in the early 90's, when I would have given my left arm for some of the few undead centaur models out there. This was 1990-1993. There was no internet. We had to find out what miniatures were out there by looking through paper catalogues! And there was no ebay either. If you missed something, it was gone. I so desperately wanted those Grenadier skeleton centaurs that I saw in the catalogues, but they went out of print in the early 90's and I couldn't get them. The horror!

You kids don't know how good you have it. Now, I'm up to my ears in undead centaurs. Grenadier, Ral Partha, Rackham, Dark Horse, Die Hard, Dead Bard...

In any case, I may not play Malifaux, but Wyrd does a good job of scratching my various itches. These centaurs are sculpted in dynamic poses and are well detailed for a set of plastics. And they've got a very "wild" feel to them that makes them look like they've galloped down from the Thracian hills!


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