Sunday, May 19, 2013

Titan-Forge - Cryptstalk Boyz

Cryptstalk Boyz
Company: Titan-Forge
Part #:
Sculptor: Slawek
Released: 2013

I've put up some of Titan-Forge's stuff before.  What is there to say?  Skeleton orcs!  Armored and bad-ass.  I can't relate how grateful I am to Titan-Forge for doing a line of undead orcs and goblins.  I am now at the point where I might be able to field an entire brigade of undead green skins (green bones?)

Very nice sculpts.  The armor is suitably primitive and "orc-like".  Big chopping weapons.  They generally fit the GW orcish conception, which I generally deride as "cartoony" versus some of the hulking brutes like, say, Nick Lund orcs (the holotype orc as far as I'm concerned) or Rackham's versions.  But in a skeletal form, they are definitely cool, and very distinctive.

The set of five allows you to make five warriors, or three warriors, one standard bearer and one musician.  I have to buy another set so I can field all the variations.  Kudos all around!