Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Troll Update - Glorantha Trolls

I recently backed Fenris Games' "Rise of the Draugr" Kickstarter (and now they are finally putting into production that sweet zombie dragon by Tim Prow!)

But as an add-on, they also added these zombie trolls sculpted by Jo Brumby. The problem was, in looking at them, they didn't seem like trolls to me at all. I mean, not compared to the trolls I already have, and not like any fantasy trolls I had seen before. They had a beastman appearance with dog-like faces and tusks. Still, trolls are trolls. And obviously, the artistic conception of trolls varies widely from artist to artist and mythology to mythology. So I didn't really give it any more thought.

Fenris Zombie Trolls

That is until I was perusing a blog and found these. These are eight trolls from (the sadly no longer operational) Mad Knight Castings. And they have the same dog-faced look about them. So, obviously, I've missed something. There's a common thread in this interpretation that harkens from somewhere. So I went to the Google...

Mad Knight Castings Skeletal Trolls

Apparently, these are trolls as imagined in the RuneQuest world of Glorantha, which seems to be widely popular. In this interpretation, trolls are not solitary monsters that regenerate and vomit acid, but rather intelligent, if primitive, adversaries with complex social structures. They are also called "Uz" (the name they call themselves) and have several sub-types including "Dark Trolls" which are the ones above.

I've got the good people at Mad Casting to sell me some of their leftover stock and also am waiting for the Fenris trolls to arrive. So now the question is, how do I play these on the table top? They're labeled "trolls" but they're not really the trolls that I would use in Piquet.

Great beastmen for my undead Chaos army?

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